The Lady Behind the Masks It is not often that one runs across something that is so remarkable that it sticks out above all the other interruptions and rubble of life. Yet this singular impact of serendipity provides an enrichment to one's exploration of worlds both within and without. My first such discovery was of Monica Roxburgh. From what I had discovered on the internet I was so impressed by the extent of creativity that this singular person generated that I developed on my site the page titled: The Lady Behind the Masks. Her works are impressive.
A Nano Vivarium
While browsing the forum at The Orchid Source I was astonished to
discover a most remarkable way of growing orchids under lights.
Growing them on old clay pipes! The success of this young Scandinavian
and the innovative approach he attempted is so astonishing that I
developed a page that consolidated much of his comments that were spread
out over several pages in the forum. A very novel and interesting
approach that can only further stimulate additional thought and
enlarge other possibilities in such culture.