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The internet is an enormous universe! While I have only been on the
net for a few years I have been fortunate to find many sites that
are both interesting and informative. This will be one section of my
site that I will be updating with new sites often. All new additions
will be denoted as NEW and kept as such for at least a 4 week period.
Learn more about Pandora! Click here FEATURED SITE: This is indeed a site that should be visited! If you are a Harry Potter fan then definitely do so. It is a delightful visit that is accented by the sounds of chirping birds and the cooing of pigeons. There is a very interesting interplay of animated graphics that adds serendipity to your visit. Emma caught my eye in the very first Harry Potter film (which I strongly recommend seeing). From this very youthful precocious beginning challenging the world and those about her, she has grown into her special discovery of femininity and has portrayed her bouts with the young men in her roles with both finese and ardor. And to think she is only just beginning!